2012 Spring Foray Schedule
Friday, May 25
3:00-7:30 Check in and Registration at the Dormitory Lounge
6:00-7:00 Dinner in Dining Hall
7:30 Welcome, Orientation and Evening Program in Marian P. and David M. Gates Lecture Hall
Speaker: Anton (Tony) Reznicek, University of Michigan Herbarium
"Great Lakes Endemics: What's So Special About the Straits Area"
Saturday, May 26
Note: All Field Trips assemble in front of the Dormitory Lounge. Please meet 15 minutes prior to departure.
7:00-8:00 Breakfast at the UMBS Dining Hall: Prepare your pack-lunch only for the all-day field trips
8:30 Departure of all-day field trips (unless otherwise noted)
8:45 Departure of half-day field trips (unless otherwise noted)
11:30-12:30 Lunch in Dining Hall
1:00 Departure of afternoon field trips
4:00–6:00 Free time to clean up, take a nap, key out plants, etc.
5:00- 6:00 Michigan Botanical Club State Board Meeting in Dormitory Lounge
6:00-7:00 Dinner in Dining Hall
7:30 Announcements, Student Scholars/Joan Robb Student Foray Awards, and Evening Program in Gates Lecture Hall.
Speaker: Dan Kashian, Wayne State University
"Are There Reasons for the Demonstrable Variation of UMBS Forests?"
Sunday, May 27
Note: All Field Trips assemble in front of the Dormitory Lounge. Please meet 15 minutes prior to departure.
7:00-8:00 Breakfast at the UMBS Dining Hall: Prepare your pack-lunch only for the all-day field trips.
7:45 Departure Bois Blanc Island Field trip
8:30 Departure of all-day field trips (unless otherwise noted)
8:45 Departure of half-day field trips (unless otherwise noted)
11:30-12:30 Lunch in Dining Hall
1:00 Departure of afternoon field trip
4:00-6:00 Free time to clean up, take a nap, key out plants, etc.
5:00-6:00 Michigan Botanical Club State Board Meeting in Dormitory Lounge
6:00-7:00 Dinner in Dining Hall
7:15 "MBC Member Photo Shoot", assemble promptly at the steps in front of the cafeteria
7:30 Announcements, Board Meeting Reports, Awards and Evening Program in Gates Lecture Hall.
Speaker: Jed Jaworski, MSU Extension Service, Firewise Program
"Living With Fire: New Perspectives on Fire in Our Ecosystem and Culture"
Monday, May 28
7:00-8:00 Breakfast at the UMBS Dining Hall:Prepare pack-lunch for heading-home field trips (lunch must be pre-ordered).
Field Trips TBA
11:00 UMBS Check out time.