The Great Lakes Botanist

A Journal of North American Botany


The Great Lakes Botanist: Featured Article:

Emma Cole's 1901 Grand Rapids Flora: Nomenclaturally Updated and Revised

The Great Lakes Botanist is online here.

Dr. Garrett E. Crow
Professor Emeritus, Univ. of New Hampshire
Visiting Scholar, Calvin College
Adjunct Research Botanist, Michigan State Univ. Herbarium


In January 2017, The Michigan Botanist was changed to The Great Lakes Botanist. It is the peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of The Michigan Botanical Society.  

Past issues 1998 to recent are available on-line in a search-able format here.

1966 to 2006 issues are available here

We are always looking for new scientific articles.  Do you, one of your students, or someone you know have an article appropriate for The Great Lakes Botanist?  Now is the time to contribute manuscripts related to Great Lakes botany (and to solicit the contribution of manuscripts from others).  These can be research articles, contributions to the Michigan Big Tree program, noteworthy collections, nature education, biographies, etc.  Also note that shorter manuscripts are reviewed more rapidly and tend to appear in print much faster than longer contributions.  

Student participation is strongly encouraged; the Isobel Dickinson Memorial Award provides a $250 prize for the best student-authored or co-authored paper appearing in each volume of The Michigan Botanist.  If you would like to nominate a student for this award, please compete the Dickinson Award Nomination Form within 6 weeks of publication of the 4th numbered issue of a given volume of The Michigan Botanist

Individuals wishing to subscribe should go to the Join Us page.  

The mailing address for The Great Lakes Botanist is divided into the following two categories.  Please direct any correspondence to the appropriate address:

For all matters related to manuscripts, and publication content, please contact:

Anton Reznicek

University of Michigan Herbarium

3600 Varsity Drive

Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Phone: (734) 996-0692

All manuscripts are reviewed by at least two referees. Instructions to authors are available here.

For all matters related to business and circulation (including address changes, ordering back issues, billings and institutional subscriptions), please contact the Business Manager:

Abigale Bristol

1417 Merrill St. Apt 2

Kalamazoo, MI 49008