Sunday November 10, 2024 @ 2:00pm

Location: Environmental Interpretive Center(EIC) 

U of M Dearborn Campus

Fairlane Drive, Dearborn, MI 48128

Map Link

Topic: Unique Michigan Flora

Speaker: Don Drife, President, MBS - Southeastern Chapter 

The shores of the Great Lakes are a fascinating area to explore. Some species in Michigan are limited to the shoreline. There are five groups of shoreline plants. 1)They can be endemic, meaning that their entire range is along the Great Lakes. 2) They can be western, meaning that they also occur in mountains in the west. 3) They are coastal, meaning that outside of the Great Lakes region they are found on the ocean shore, or sometimes the shores of other very large freshwater lakes. 4) Some are northern species coming south to the Great Lakes. And 5) species that are more widely distributed outside of our region. Come and learn about these fascinating plants that are a unique part of Michigan’s flora. We will discuss the overall distribution of the plant, their identification, the history behind the discovery of the plant and some of the people they are named for. Join the Southeastern Chapter president Don Drife as we look at a group of interesting plants. 

Date: Sunday October 13, 2024

Location: Shelter # 15 on Belle Isle, Detroit

Time: 2:00pm

Ruth Hart will share some information about the restoration work being done by the DNR on the island.  Don Drife will help us with tree identification. We will identify wildflowers in the area.

Link to Belle Isle map

Hope to see you there!

The Southeastern Chapter of the Michigan Botanical Society will be taking a look at ferns in two Michigan Nature Association sanctuaries:

Timberland Swamp and Lakeville Swamp.

Don Drife will give an overview of fern identification. This should be a good chance to learn or review some of Michigan’s ferns. Don recommends getting Daniel Palmer’s Michigan Ferns and Lycophytes: A Guide to Species of the Great Lakes Region. It is available from the University of Michigan Press at

Use code SPRING24 to get 50% off one book. With the discount Palmer’s fern guide costs about $20.00 including shipping.

Our two trips will be:

Saturday, July 6, 2024, 1:00 PM Timberland Swamp

The parking for Timberland Swamp is found at the end of "Ware Street" which runs south where Big Lake Road and Andersonville Road intersect. The address which can get you there is: 5950-5960 Ware Rd, Springfield Township, MI 48350. Waterproof boots are recommended as parts of the trail can get flooded or muddy this time of year.

Thursday, July 25, 2024, 1:00 PM Lakeville Swamp

The meeting location is at this parking lot: 42.81872° N, 83.14967° W. Google Maps should take you to this location if you search for “Lakeville Swamp.” Waterproof boots are recommended as parts of the trail can get flooded or muddy this time of year.

Save the Date: Sunday July 28, 2024 at 1pm:

Summer Potluck picnic at Elizabeth Park in Trenton

Our 2nd annual potluck picnic will be held Sunday July 28, 2024 at 1:00pm in Elizabeth Park, Trenton, Michigan.
Elizabeth Park in Trenton is Wayne County’s oldest park. There are several species of beautiful mature oaks and hickories. We can have lunch, talk with friends and then explore the woods.
We plan to meet in Picnic Area C which is closest to the small woods that we will explore.
Please bring a dish to share with others as well as your own dinnerware, cutlery and water.

Visit the Summer Newsletter for maps

Saturday, June 15 2024 Sedge Walk in Tenhave Woods led by Dr. Tony Reznicek

Tony Reznicek will lead a sedge walk in for the Southeastern Chapter, in Tenhave Woods, Royal Oak, on Saturday, June 15 at 1:00 PM. Wwill meet at the Lexington Avenue turnstile. A map to the park is found at  Sedges listed from Tenhave Woods include: Juncus tenuis (Path Rush), Carex gracillima, Carex grayi, Carex grisea, Carex hirtifolia, Carex intumescens, Carex lupulina, Carex lurida, Carex projecta, and Carex swanii. Tony is Research Scientist Emeritus and Curator Emeritus of Vascular Plants at the University of Michigan Herbarium. His “major research interest is the systematics and evolution of sedges (Cyperaceae), especially the large and complex genus Carex.”

Timberland Swamp Survey #2

Friday, May 10, 2024 from 1 pm - 5 pm

Timberland Swamp parking is found at the end of Ware Road and runs south where Big Lake Road and Andersonville Road intersect.  5950-5960 Ware Rd, Springfield Township, MI 48350

We will be collecting data on the spring ephemerals in Timberland Swamp Nature Sanctuary for the Michigan Nature Association.  MNA would like us to help pilot a citizen science inventory system for this area. We will walk the area identifying plants and estimating their population size. "Timberland Swamp is historically known as a wildflower destination; however, years of overpopulated deer have decreased the density and diversity of spring wildflowers. In recent years, MNA and Indian Springs Metropark have begun controlled hunting of white-tailed deer, we have noticed some differences in ephemeral composition following this practice. The goal of this project is to get a snapshot of the spring ephemerals present at this time. If there is a desire to do so this could become a long-term survey that can measure changes over time.”

Sunday, April 28, 2024 time 10 AM. Spring Walk Belle Isle Woods. Led by Suzan Campbell and Natural Resources Committee of the Belle Isle Conservancy. Because this is a very busy time of year on Belle Isle, this will be a morning walk.

Meet at Belle Isle Shelter 15.

This spring walk will focus on the restoration the DNR has done in the woods to restore the natural hydrology and the resulting regeneration. Spring wildflowers may be enjoyed along the walk as well.

The last bit of the trail is very muddy and wet, footwear for mud/shallow water would be useful.

Restoring Belle Isle’s Hydrology, link to a print interview with Greg Norwood of DNR.

Timberland Swamp Survey #1

Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 10 am - 2 pm

Timberland Swamp parking is found at the end of Ware Road and runs south where Big Lake Road and Andersonville Road intersect.  

5950-5960 Ware Rd, Springfield Township, MI 48350

We will be collecting data on the spring ephemerals in Timberland Swamp Nature Sanctuary for the Michigan Nature Association.  MNA would like us to help pilot a citizen science inventory system for this area.

Lead by: Ayden Ehgotz, Conservation Coordinator for the Eastern Lower Peninsula for the Michigan Nature Association

Southeast Michigan Chapter Past Events andJoin us for a Winter Botany Walk at Dodge Park along the Clinton River on Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 2pm The park is located at 40620 Utica Road, at the end of Dodge Park Road. Meet by the Volleyball courts.

This park has a unique flood plain flora and offers an opportunity to see Pawpaw, Blue Ash, Redbud, Hackberry, Kentucky Coffee-Tree., Black Maple, and other interesting native plants. The walk will be led by Don Drife and Colin Griffin.

Sunday February 18 2024 at 2pm.Chapter president, Don Drife, is leading a winter tree identification walk  in Rouge Park -

Winter Tree Identification Walk #2Sunday Feb. 18, 2-3:30 pmSorensen Recreation Area (map)Learn how to identify trees in the winter when they have no leaves along the Ma'iingan Wildwood Trail.  Walk led by Don Drife.Register here

Sunday, January 28, 2024 2pm at the Environmental Interpretive Center at the Dearborn Campus of U of M

Maize and Blueberries: Behind the Scenes at the University of Michigan Herbarium.Presenter: Aly Baumgartner, Collection Manager of Vascular Plants

Past Field Trips:

Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 1pm   Spring Wildflower Walk with Don Drife at Tenhave Woods, Royal Oak.  Park at Lexington/Marais lot & meet at Lexington entrance (along the south fence).  We will be looking for Red & White Trillium, blue & yellow violets, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Bloodroot, Trout Lily, Wild Geranium, Spice Bush, Spring Beauty, Wood Poppy, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, & Wood Anemone and more.

Check out Royal Oak Nature Society events at Tenhave on their website:


Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 2pm   Spring wildflower walk with Suzan Campbell at Palmer Park in Detroit.  Meet in front of the Community Center in the Splash Pad Parking lot. Palmer Park is along  the west side of Woodward avenue  between 6 and 7 mile roads.  Parking lot is about where Pontchartrain Blvd meets Merrill Plaisance. From 7 Mile Rd. take Pontchartrain into the park. From Woodward, just north of 6 mile, take Merrill Plaisance into the park. Come and explore the glacial lake bed and beach ridges. Early spring wild flowers seen in the park include: merrybells, trout lily, yellow violet, Canada Mayflower, trillium wood anenome, spice bush and Ohio buckeye.

This woods and trails are basically flat. There may be a few muddy or wet places. As of April 28, there will be wet and muddy places, we will try to go around the worst of them.

 Palmer Park is on the east side of Woodward Avenue between McNichols and Seven Mile Rd.

“…Although surrounded by urban areas, even to the untrained observer, these parks [Palmer, Pitcher and Balduck} show an impressive quality and quantity of plants species.

Since so little is left of the natural vegetation of the Detroit area, especially in large tracks, these three parks remain as some of the last outposts of what used to be vast tracts of forest that grew on the fertile lake bottom...” Weatherbee's Botanical Surveys 2004.

Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 2pm    Exploring for spring wild flowers at the new Stone Bridge Trail. Rouge Park in Detroit with Ruth Hart.  Park on the side of the road near trail head, Tireman, just east of Outer Dr.

This is a short trail on the Rouge River floodplain. We will see some beautiful mature trees of many species including large Beech, Sycamore, Hackberry and Poplar. Spring wild flowers include swaths of trout lily, a large patch of dutchman's breeches, big patches of spring beauty, virginia waterleaf and scattered cut-leaf toothwort. It will be interesting to see what the flood waters have done. We are likely to hear and see some  migrating birds as well.


Saturday, June 9, 2018 at 1pm  Fern Walk in Holliday Preserve with Carol Clements. We will meet in the parking lot at Hix Park (6867 N. Hix Rd. Westland) and walk into the Koppernick section of the preserve from there.  

Koppernick is a rich forest habitat with close to 20 different fern species. We will learn helpful clues to recognize and differentiate the many species of Michigan native ferns. Be prepared for insects and possibly a little mud. Most of hike is on established trail, but a couple off trail locations will be visited. 

Saturday July 21 “Field Tour of the Shiawassee Basin Preserve” 10am-12pm at Shiawassee Basin Preserve.  Trip Leader: Mike Losey

The Shiawassee Basin Preserve is a 514 acre township park located in Springfield Township, just north of Davisburg. Notably, this preserve helps protect one of the largest and highest quality prairie fen complexes in the Midwest within one of the most beautiful settings left in Oakland County. Numerous rare plants and animals can be found at the preserve, including the largest remaining population of Poweshiek skipperling, a federally endangered prairie butterfly. Tour participants will explore some of the interesting features of this park including the response of plant communities to various management techniques. In late July, we can expect to observe many plants typical of prairie fens and adjacent upland habitats, and potentially some rarities as well.


October 1, 2017   Dorothy McLeer U of M-Dearborn presentation on Spiders

November 5, 2017   Carol Clements Wayne County Naturalist will present on Ferns.

December 3, 2017   Michael Kost Natural Communities of Michigan

February 4, 2018  1:00 PM Potluck followed by "A Few of My Favorite Nature Images" at 2:00 pm Presented by Caryle Spence                                                                                          Feb. 4 program and potluck was cancelled due to weather conditions.   

March 4, 2018   Julie Crick    Natural Resources Educator, MSU Extension Michigan Eyes on the Forest and Sentinel Tree Monitoring

April 8  Rain Gardens to the Rescue Program   Presented by Cyndi Ross, Friends of the Rouge and Erma Leaphart, Sierra Club

2016 Summer Field Trips

Troy Nature Center and Preserve, Troy, Sunday June 26, 2016 2 pm

Located at 6685 Coolidge Hwy. in Troy. Meet in front of the Nature Center.


Join us on Sunday, June 26, 2016, at 2 pm, for an exploration of ‘Sedges and More’ at the Stage Nature Center in Troy, MI. Located at the northern edge of the River Rouge watershed, this 100-acre City of Troy preserve contains upland and floodplain forest, dry and wet meadow, and wetland habitats.  About two dozen species of Carex are present; beginners and experts alike are invited to make their acquaintance and contribute to development of a species inventory for this site. We’ll also spend some time looking at other plants in the wet meadow area. This is easy walking, on chipped trails and boardwalk.  Stage Nature Center is located at 6685 Coolidge Hwy, Troy, 48098, and is within a couple miles of M-59 and I-75 freeway exits.  More information about the Center, and its activities and programs, is available at   Trail maps and additional trip information will be circulated the week prior to June 26.



Rouge Park, Detroit, Saturday August 13, 2016 11am

Meet on east shoulder of West Outer Drive just north of Warren Avenue.

Join Bill Brodovich, the author of Flora of River Rouge Park which was prepared in 2003 and 2004 with for Friends of Belle Isle with funding from the EPA.

"River Rouge Park is located along the Rouge River, on the west side of Detroit.
CSX railroad forms the northern boundary and Warren Road forms the southern
boundary. The total area of the Park is approximately 1200 acres (nearly two
square miles)."

"The botanical survey of River Rouge Park conducted in 2004, though limited in
scope, resulted in the discovery of an unusual number of rare plants... Undoubtedly other rare plants await discovery."
"The presence of old growth forests further highlights the Park’s regional importance."

2016 Spring Field Trips

TenHave Woods, Royal Oak, Saturday April 16, 2016, Noon


A “Spring Wildflower Walk” is being held on Saturday, April 16th, 2016, beginning at Noon at Tenhave Woods in Royal Oak, lead by Don Drife of the Royal Oak Native Plant Society.  Park at the Lexington/Marais lot & meet at Lexington entrance.  For a map to the location of the woods:


A nice article about TenHave Woods:



Pitcher Woods in O’Hair Park, Detroit, Sunday, May 1, 2016,  time 2:30 pm.

Sunday, May 1, 2016 Pitcher Woods in O’Hair Park in Detroit, join Susan Stellar and Ruth Hart as we explore one of the few remaining original woodlands in the City of Detroit. Meet at the corner of Shaftsbury and Pembroke Streets (east of Evergreen between 7 and 8 Mile). Use the address 19811 Shaftsbury in your GPS.

An excerpt from

Detroit Parks: Plant species survey 2004 (Click the link to download the pdf for the report)

“…Although surrounded by urban areas, even to the untrained observer, these parks [Palmer, Pitcher and Balduck} show an impressive quality and quantity of plants species. While there are exotics present in each park, they tend to be clustered around the edges and along paths, leaving plenty of room for a healthy array of native shrubs and herbaceous plants under the canopy of native trees….

Since so little is left of the natural vegetation of the Detroit area, especially in large tracts, these three parks remain as some of the last outposts of what used to be vast tracts of forest that grew on the fertile lake bottom. These parks are, in a sense, living museums, but they are considerably more than that, as there are ongoing interactions between recruitment of young seedlings, the survival of a handful of rare individuals, the changing composition of the canopy and the mixture of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in a ‘survival of the fittest’ attempt to adapt to the surrounding urban environment…”


Cowan Section Holliday Nature Preserve, Westland, Saturday, May 7, 2016, 1:00 pm


We will hike in Holliday Nature Preserve to enjoy the gorgeous display of spring wildflowers along Tonquish Creek. The Wayne County Parks Naturalist, Carol Clements, will share folklore and historic uses of the plants we see. Meet at the parking lot of the Cowan Section of Holliday Nature Preserve, off of Central City Parkway, between Wayne and Warren Roads in Westland. This hike is part of the Nankin Mills Interpretive Center Adult Botany Hike series. 

April 30, 2016, the Southeastern Chapter will be hosting the Botanical Club State wide meeting.


Past programs:


Saturday August 15 9 AM - 12 PM. American Lotus in bloom at Sterling State Park

Trip Leader: Milton French

Park at the parking lot for the lotus pavilion with overflow parking across the park drive in the beach parking lot. See the American lotus in full bloom. Other plants may be in bloom also such as swamp mallow with its showy pink flowers. In addition we may see the state threatened broadleaf arrowhead. The walk will be easy and flat.

If you have a kayak, bring it along for a post-trip paddle. 

March 1 2015

The Nature Conservancy in Ohio’s Oak Openings Program: an overview of managing globally rare habitats in the Lakeplain oak openings region of NW Ohio and SE Michigan

Presented by Mike Losey  Restoration Crew Leader (Land Steward) for The Nature Conservancy’s Ohio Chapter. 

The Lakeplain Oak Openings is a unique region spanning seven counties in southeast Michigan and northwest Ohio. With over 150 state or federally listed species, it is well recognized as a biodiversity hotspot within the Lake Erie watershed.   However, despite its noted importance the natural habitat is highly fragmented and stressed by incompatible land use.  These modifications have reduced the health of the Oak Openings and threaten the native flora and fauna as well as compromise the ecosystem services the region provides.  Attendees will learn about the results of restoration treatments in these globally rare habitats, monitoring for several taxonomic groups and education/outreach elements implemented by The Nature Conservancy’s Oak Openings Program as well as supporting projects and strategies including the Interagency Restoration Team, Green Ribbon Initiative, the Oak Openings Landowner Registry and some of our exciting big ideas for the future of this region.

April 12 

Singing Insects of Michigan

Presented by Susanne Greenlee of Oakland County Parks planning department.

Not all the sounds of nature come from birds and frogs, as the singing insects are one of the most dominant sounds of our summer days and nights. The noisiest insect callers-- the crickets, katydids and cicadas, are introduced. The talk ends with audio recordings and accompanying slides to identify our most common insect singers.


Fall 2014 Meeting Dates

October 12 Insects in Your Backyardpresented by chapter member Joyce Drife.

A look at the many different types of insect life to be found in a ‘typical’ or not so typical suburban yard, with photos by both Don and Joyce Drife.

November 9
Searching for Rare Plants at Sterling State Parkpresented by chapter member Milton French

In early 2013, help was requested from members of the Lakeplain cluster of the Stewardship Network to search for 4 rare plants that were known to have occurred in Sterling State Park, but that had not been seen in a number of years as well as to begin a complete plant list for the park.

Botanical Club member Milton French stepped up to both challenges, visiting the park repeatedly on foot and by kayak. He eventually succeeded in finding the rare plants and compiling a list of plants for the park. Milton will share his experiences of the survey.

December 7  
Growing Winter Hardy Cacti in Michigan presented by David Hinch of Michigan Cactus and Succulent Society

David Hinch began collecting winter hardy cacti in 2007. His rock garden has approximately 25 valid species and close to another 15 varieties, cultivars and hybrids. He does not cover the plants over the winter, they are fully exposed to the elements. They are all North American cacti from Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho and Arizona. His photo presentation is sure to be interesting and perhaps will inspire you the to try growing cacti outdoors.
Winter/Spring 2014 Programs
February 2

Enjoying Mosses
by Jim Toppin and Janet Traub
Mosses are part of almost every landscape, but mostly go unnoticed. They thrive throughout the year, so you can enjoy them any time you're outdoors, even in a Michigan winter. We'll introduce
some common mosses and liverworts -- they're easy to find almost anywhere, once you know where to look and what to look for. We'll explore the realm of small habitats occupied by these fascinating, yet little-known plants. Join us for our annual Gourmet (a fancy word for potluck) Dinner at 1:00 pm. Bring a special dish to share and your own table service.

March 2

Alaska - the Last Frontier
by Caryle Spence
Alaska has many natural wonders including spectacular vistas and beautiful mountains, forests, glaciers, waterfalls, and unique wild animals and plants. Join us as Caryle presents some wonderful photos and stories of her trip to Alaska. Caryle was scheduled for last October, but had to cancel, so we'll give it another try.

April 6

The Michigan Flora Project: Past, Present and Future Information on the plants of Michigan is now just a mouse-click away at the Michigan Flora Online website. Learn how specimen data mgathered for the Michigan Flora Project at the University of Michigan Herbarium formed the backbone of this effort and how the citizen scientist can contribute to documenting plant occurrences in our state.

Meet at the Visitor Center, Heritage Park, Farmington Hills, MI.  (Potluck at 1:00p.m. February meeting only.)  Programs at 2:00 p.m.



2013 Spring programs

February 3

 Slideshow by Ray and Pat Coleman:  "World of butterflies and moths".  Photos of butterflies and moths from around the world will be shown, including many unusual caterpillar stages.  Some unusual facts will be revealed.  This program is designed to be eye appealing.  Come and Enjoy.   

   Potluck starts at 1:00 pm with the lecture starting 2:00 pm. 


March 3

"Heritage Park"  Join us to hear some of the natural history of Heritage Park presented by the Farmington Hills Nature Center staff.  2:00 pm.




"Fungus Fundamentals" 

Mary Fredricks, a member of the Royal Oak Nature Society and an enthusiastic fan of fungi,  will share basic information illustrated by photos taken in area woods.  She will explain how to make a spore print and give tips on photographing fungi to aid in identification.  2:00 pm.