Welcome to the Michigan Botanical Club Foray 2014 in the Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
July 10-14, 2014
Hosted by the MBC State Board at
Michigan Technological University, Houghton MI
Our MBC state board members have been looking forward to having you visit the remarkable Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan. It’s rugged landscape and rocks of volcanic and sedimentary origin support a fantastic diversity of plants and animals. There are over 900 species of native plants more than 44 rare plants. Some plant species are at the edge of their range and some are disjuncts from the West, such as thimbleberry. Almost two dozen plants are listed as endangered, threatened or special concern by the State of Michigan.
The members of the 2014 MBC State Foray Planning Committee have worked all year to plan and expedite this foray. The President of the Board, Judy Kelly, has been the chairperson. Lynn Steil, Larry Nooden and Tony Reznicek have been in charge of arranging field trips and the evening speakers. Our registrar is Bev Walter assisted by Aaron Fown and Rich Fowler. Mary Danforth, Craig Elston, Sarah Nooden and Rich Fowler have prepared the foray booklet. Emily Nietering, Alice Ward and Ruth Hart have taken care of lodging and meals. And Pam Laureto & Becky Csia were in charge of logistics. Many other board members deserve thanks for their enthusiastic help in planning this 2014 State Foray for your enjoyment.
What to Bring: Sturdy shoes, boots for wet areas, heavy socks, jeans, shorts, sweaters, jackets, rain-wear, hat, backpack or small duffel bag for field trips, personal water bottle, insect repellent, sun block, soap, etc.
Allergies: If you are allergic to bee or other insect stings, please carry your own prescription epi pen.
The state board determined several years ago that the date of the foray is up to the sponsoring chapter and that dates other than Memorial Day weekend were acceptable. Due to the later blooming season in the Keweenaw, it was determined that the foray should be after Memorial Day weekend.
This year the Spring Arisaema will be split into two parts – the typical spring issue, which should be mailed around April 15th, and a special summer foray issue, which should be mailed around May 30th.
The spring issue will have some general information about the foray. The summer issue will provide the detailed information about the foray and the registration information.
Daily schedule:
Thursday, July 10 - no meals, start of room reservations
Friday, July 11 – no meals, evening program, snacks, rooms
Saturday, July 12 - 3 meals, evening program, snacks, rooms, field trips
Sunday, July 13 - 3 meals, evening program, snacks, rooms, field trips
Monday, July 14 – breakfast & boxed lunch
Special events on Monday, July 14th:
a. Eastbound trip to Grand Island by Munising
b. Westbound trip to Porcupine Mountains State Park
Accommodations, Directions, Field Trips and Foray Schedule in the Summer Arisaema Newsletter
Meals are provided Saturday through Monday box lunch. There is no meal Friday evening.
Foray Blog -Open forum for members to communicate with each other about the Foray
Registration Form
Readings and additional articles in The Michigan Botanist