Huron Valley Chapter Archive

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Winter 2009 meetings

  • Monday, January 19, 2009
  • Monday, February 16,2009.  SIX MONTHS IN YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - DAVID BROOKS, conservation activist.  Dave Brooks, well-traveled naturalist and conservation activist, will talk about working in Yellowstone National Park, including a discussion of the effects of the fires.  Dave will provide scenic views and interesting stories about his six month work assignment in Yellowstone National Park. In addition, during the past 15 years, he has provided volunteer work at Yellowstone Ecological Research Center.  Come experience the geology, flora and fauna of a premier National treasure.
  • Monday, March 16, 2009.  "Spring Flora of the Great Lakes and Midwestern U.S."   -  Brad Slaughter, Ecologist, Michigan Natural Features Inventory, MSU Extension
  • Monday, April 20, 2009.  "International Trade, Invasive Plant Pests, and Forest Health:  Can We Save Our Ash?"Leah S. Bauer, Ph.D., Research Entomologist,  USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station.

2009 Field trips and Events

  • POSTPONED UNTIL MARCH 28TH.  Saturday, February 21, 2009.  Hidden Lake Gardens Conservatory, Tipton, Michigan.  Karen Gentry, Educational Director will lead the field trip.  Meet 12 noon at Matthaei Botanical Gardens west parking lot, or 1 p.m. at MSU's Hidden Lake Gardens Visitor Center.  First, we will view a video on conifers, then go outside, followed by a tour of the 8000 square foot conservatory, containing  arid, temperate and tropical  houses.  Admission: $3.00/person*.  RSVP to Sondra Gunn,  sgunn@umich.eduor call  734-994-3975.  *A tip from Irene Eiseman- Hidden Lake Gardens and Matthaei Botanical Gardens are part of the Reciprocal Admissions Program sponsored by the American Horticultural Society. What this means is that any member of The Friends of Matthaei Gardens has the privilege of free admission to Hidden Lake Gardens.  Presentation of a valid Membership Card may be required. (I plan to just make a donation.)  A national list of gardens, arboreta and conservatories participating in the Program (several in Michigan) can be found at the websit and a printable pdf file.
  • Saturday, March 14, 2009 – University of Michigan Exhibit Museum tour of paleobotany exhibits. Leader Larry Noodén (This field trip was postponed from January 10). Meet 1 p.m. at the museum rotunda lobby.  Optional - Meet 11:30 for lunch before the tour at Beansters in the Michigan League.  Contact Sondra Gunn - <> or call  734-994-3975.
  • Saturday, April 25,  2009, 1:00 p.m.,  Horner Woods I with Sylvia Taylor
  • Saturday, May 2, 2009 Love Creek, Berrien County with Wild Ones and MBC's Southwest Chapter.
  • Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:00 p.m., Horner Woods II with Sylvia Taylor
  • Sunday, May 17,2009  1-4 workday and field trip,  Hankerd Road Oak Savanna , Laurel Malvitz, DNR Stewardship coordinator, and Sally Rutzky
  • May 22 – 25, 2009 MBC Spring Foray at East Lansing, Red Cedar Chapter host.
  • Saturday, May 30, 2009  Sedges!  SEMLC LeFurge Woods, Tony Reznicek, leader, and Ruth Hart, coordinator.
  • Saturday, July 11, 2009  King Rd. Lakeplain Prairie Tour, part of the Great Sibley Prairie Complex, Andy Hartz, of MDEQ, Leader. Lakeplain Cluster of The Stewardship Network field trip.
  • August 28 – 30, 2009 Miniforay:  University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan 

If you have any questions about the field trips, please contact the HVC field trip coordinator Sondra Gunn,  <> or call  734-994-3975.

2008 Meetings

  • MONDAY, 7:45pm, September 15, 2008 at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens. “Nature through the eyes of artist Charley Harper" Please attend a special Michigan Botanical Club program featuring the life and art of Charley Harper (1922-2007) by his son Brett Harper.  Charley was known for his highly stylized wildlife prints, posters, and magazine and book illustrations over a long career.  He called his style “minimal realism” and the results were bold, colorful and often whimsical.  He also wrote amusing, pun-filled captions for his artwork.  He illustrated the Golden Book of Biology (1962), The Animal Kingdom, Ford Times, Ranger Rick and the National Park Service.  Charley and his artwork were featured in an article in the Jan/Feb. 2008 issue of Audubon magazine, as well as in a recently published book entitled “Charley Harper: An Illustrated Life” by Todd Oldham.  Prints of his artwork will be for sale at the program.
  • Tuesday, September 9 -  Shanghai Prairie St. Joe's employee walk,  5:15 p.m.    See the Newsletter for more information.
  • Sunday September 28 -   The WALPOLE ISLAND visit is cancelled.  Instead of Walpole Island, we will visit Shanghai Prairie near St.   Joe's Hospital in Ypsi.  This a great site site with some interesting things to see.  In addition to seeing some of the rarities that we   know are there, we will try to relocate the extremely rare (around here) western prairie outlier Bouteloua curtipendula (sideoats grama   grass).  We plan to meet at the parking area nearest to the Prairie at 9:15 am  on Sunday.  The  parking lot is across the street from staff parking D, at the   very TOP of the page, directly to the right of the box that says "Patient Towers Area". There is a 3 way stop there.  Contact person- Aunita Erskine 734 668 6354, cell 734-660-1359 for the day of the trip
  • Wednesday, October 1, 2008.  A new volunteer group called the Stewards of Shanghai Prairie will be having their first organizational meeting on October 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at Matthaei Botanical Gardens.  The group is formed  with the cooperation of Saint Joseph Mercy Health System, the Stewardship Network, City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation, U-M Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum,  and U-M environmental steward Aunita Erskine.  The first meeting  will be a short slideshow and discussion of the importance of the prairie and its specific habitat.  Past history of restoration and future efforts will also be explored.  Materials for a shrub-cutting workday to take place on November 1, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. have been donated by the City of Ann Arbor and U-M.  Work by the volunteer group will continue into the winter as future funding sources are identified and a plan to move forward with restoration can be formed.  Please come and help lend your special talents to help preserve this rare ecosystem which helps form the string of prairies already under restoration and conservation in the Huron River Valley.  For more information about this meeting and effort, please contact Aunita Erskine at (734)668-6354, or email
  • Sunday October 12, 2008.  State Meeting.  Gerald E. Eddy Center, Waterloo state recreation area.
  • Monday October 20, 2008. "Natural Features Highlights of Washtenaw county Parks and Preserves - Plants, Animals and habitats"  speaker: Faye Stoner, Naturalist, Washtenaw county parks & Recreation.
  • Monday November 17, 2008.  "Climate Change at the Poles and at Home:  Choices for Alternative Futures"  Speaker: Knute Nadelhoffer, Director, University of Michigan Biological Station,  Professor, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary biology.

2006 Fall Field trips

  • Sunday September 17.   Springhill Nature Preserve, Superior Township, Washtenaw County.  Watch for email with details or call 734-994-3975 or 734-663-5667.
  • Saturday, September 23.  HVC'c MBC display will be at the Faith and Environment Conference at Grosse Ille Presbyterian Church.
  • Sunday, October 8.  Annual Fall Meeting, 1pm. Matthaei Botanical Gardens
  • Sunday, October 15.  Oakland Land Conservancy Golden Prairie Preserve.  Meet at 1 pm. at Matthaei to carpool.  Leader Judy Kelly.
  • Saturday, November 4.  Horner Woods.  Leader Sylvia Taylor, 734-461-9390.  Meet at Matthaei west parking lot to carpool. 

2006-2007 Meetings

  •  Monday, September 18.  “Nature Photography as Art”  by Judge Ed Post, a renowned Michigan nature photographer.  The eye of an artist and skilled photographer can find beauty that most of us never see in nature.  Experience the art and craft behind the making of beautiful nature photographs and enjoy a broad sampling of outstanding nature photographs.  
  • Sunday October 8.  Annual Fall Meeting at Matthaei Botanical Gardens.  A program about South Africa will be presented by Sylvia Taylor. 
  • Monday, October 16.  "Fossils, Molecular clocks and the Origins of Tropical Rainforest Tree Diversity" by Christopher Dick, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Herbarium, University of Michigan.
  • Monday, November 20.  "Plans for Making the University of Michigan Herbarium a Better Resource for Local and Global Research on Plant Diversity"  by Paul Berry, Director, University of Michigan Herbarium.
  • Monday, January 15.  Annual Pot Luck.  "Linnaeus Sweden: The Man and his Land"  by Sarah Nooden.
  • Monday, February 19.  "Pollen, Prairies and Problem Plants.  Does an Invasive Weed Disrupt Pollination in Iowa's Loess Hill Prairies?" by Ben Montgomery, Graduate student, Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan.
  • Monday, March 19.  "Special Species and Communities Resulting from Restoration Efforts at Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum" by Sylvia Taylor, Aunita Erskine and Connie Crancer (Bailie). 
  • Monday, April 16.   TBA

2005 Fall Field trips

  •  Sunday, September  25th,  Plant Inventory of YMCA Camp Storer fen.     Bev Walters and Jim Mohr, Leaders .  Last summer, HVC member Jim Mohr talked with me about Storer Camp, which is located 10 miles SE of Jackson, and is affiliated with the Toledo branch of the Ohio Metropolitan YMCA.  They are very much involved with outdoor-environmental education and many children in SE Michigan attend the Camp as part of their school curriculum.  Jim is active in guiding Storer Camp in their land use planning, and last November he took me on a tour of their holdings - at least I saw part of the 1200  acres - and two fen areas at their edge of the 220 acre Stoney Lake caught my eye.  The camp has limited resources to direct to conservation and I thought, since they're educating people about the environment, it would be worthwhile for our Club to assist them by doing a plant survey of the fens.  The lake and fens are quite undisturbed, other than some past grazing, and have minimal invasive species, so this will be a good opportunity for us to get into some high quality habitat less than an hour's drive away.  You don't need to be an expert to join in - the more eyes, the better! Bring lunch, bug spray, sunscreen, boots optional. We'll be departing from the MBG parking lot 9am on May 21, July 9 and September 25,  or depart 9:15 a.m. from the M-52 carpool lot northside of I-94 at Chelsea for some fun in the fen.  Bev Walters, (734) 358-2946
  • Saturday October 1.  Humbug Marsh. Meet at 8:45 am in the west parking lot at Matthaei Botanical Gardens to carpool of meet at 10:00 am in the open field north of the Humbug preserve, 5437 W. Jefferson, Detroit.  Field trip leaders Bruce Jones and Larry Nooden 734-663-5667.
  • Sunday, November 20.  Horner Woods late season survey, Leader Sylvia Taylor.
2005-2006 Meetings
  • Monday September 19.  “A Michigan Prairie Odyssey” - Aunita Erskine speaker. The "Prairie Lady" is also a docent atMatthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum, an Advanced Master Gardener, and a Steward for Natural Area Preservation at Furstenberg Nature Area. Aunita has given talks and workshops about gardening with native plants and prairie plants. This talk will be a light-hearted tale of Aunita'sodessey throughout the State discovering different types of prairie ecosystems. Along the way, she will show photos of different prairie plants in their natural environments and tell what she has learned about the management of some of these areas. She will also touch on the trials and tribulations of searching out some of these spots, and how these plants connect us with nature and history at the same time. Aunita was recently featured in "A Passion for Prairies," a wonderful Detroit Free Press article written by Marty Hair. See 
  • Saturday September 24.  Annual Fall Meeting, Bengel Wildlife Center, Bath, MI
  • Monday October 17.  "The Diversity of Amazonian Rainforest Trees: Origins, Biogeography and Conservation" by Paul Fine, University of Michigan
  • Monday November 21.  “Metzger Marsh Restoration: Vigilance to Maintain the Benefits”  - Douglas A Wilcox, Ph.D., Chief for the Coastal Wetlands Ecology Branch - USGS Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor
  • Monday January 16. Pot luck and program, " Implications of Recent Ecological Theory for a New Paradigm in Conservation"  John Vandermeer, University of Michigan.  Recent ecological theory emphasizes the way in which ecological systems are distributed non-randomly in space and how that distribution creates or destroys the integrity   of the system, especially with regard to the maintenance    of biodiversity.  With this new understanding, old para-digms of constructing large biological preserves may have to be rethought.  Most reserves are too small for conservation in the long run if they are isolated by low-quality agricultural matrices.  The only solution is to re-focus attention on the matrix itself.  While there are sociopolitical ramifications of this observation, the conclusion stems from our recent understanding of how ecological communities work, not from sociopolitical considerations.
  • Monday February 20.  "North Country Cache: The National Scenic Trail" Joan Young, University of Michigan.  SNRE Graduate and author. See
  • Monday March 20.  Asa Gray and the University of Michigan”  Edward G. Voss, University of Michigan Professor Emeritus of Botany, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Curator Emeritus of Vascular Plants, UM Herbarium. 
  • Monday April 17.  “The New Humbug Preserve: Plans for the Future” - Bruce Jones, Grosse Isle Conservancy and John Hartig, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

2005 Field trips

  •  Saturday, May 7. Horner Woods Plant Sanctuary.Work trip to remove garlic mustard.  Meet at the west parking lot at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens at 1:00 PM. This beautiful woodlot, which contains a large population of twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla) and a lot of other interesting things, was purchased by the Michigan Botanical Club and donated to the University in 1965. The property provides a greenbelt along the south side of M-14 between Domino Farms and Dixboro Rd. and is accessed from a private road on its south side. Optional- Bring gloves, a few bags and your favorite recipe for "Greens". Trip leader:  Sylvia Taylor (734) 461-9390
  • May 21, July 9  and  September  25th,  Plant Inventory of YMCA Camp Storer fen.     Bev Walters and Jim Mohr, Leaders .  Last summer, HVC member Jim Mohr talked with me about Storer Camp, which is located 10 miles SE of Jackson, and is affiliated with the Toledo branch of the Ohio Metropolitan YMCA.  They are very much involved with outdoor-environmental education and many children in SE Michigan attend the Camp as part of their school curriculum.  Jim is active in guiding Storer Camp in their land use planning, and last November he took me on a tour of their holdings - at least I saw part of the 1200  acres - and two fen areas at their edge of the 220 acre Stoney Lake caught my eye.  The camp has limited resources to direct to conservation and I thought, since they're educating people about the environment, it would be worthwhile for our Club to assist them by doing a plant survey of the fens.  The lake and fens are quite undisturbed, other than some past grazing, and have minimal invasive species, so this will be a good opportunity for us to get into some high quality habitat less than an hour's drive away.  You don't need to be an expert to join in - the more eyes, the better! Bring lunch, bug spray, sunscreen, boots optional. We'll be departing from the MBG parking lot 9am on May 21, July 9 and September 25,  or depart 9:15 a.m. from the M-52 carpool lot northside of I-94 at Chelsea for some fun in the fen.  Bev Walters, (734) 358-2946.
  • JUNE 25, 2005, Saturday,    Oakland County Golden Prairie.  Visit this OaklandLand Conservancy heritage prairie with the OLC executive director, Donna Follard and Aunita Erskine.  We hope to see the lovely lupines and other prairie flora. Learn about the role of remnant prairies as "banks" for special plant species and the  value of prairie plants in gardens. See what pre-settlement landscapes looked like. There is a perched fen, oak barrens and a dry prairie in the preserve.   If we are lucky we may see white lady slipper (or remnants thereof).There is a really interesting, heavily glaciated prairie- fen system in that area of Oakland County, which also includes Big Valley prairie. It may be part of the Defiance Morraine. This type of habitat may begin near Brighton  but there it is as intact as it is in Golden prairie. Railroad tracks running  through both sites which may be a factor, along with gravelly soil, for relatively minimal disturbance. Let's hear it for the glaciers!!!  There will be slow walking over mostly level terrain for 2-3 hours. Meet at Matthaei Botanical Gardens' west parking lot at 9:30am  for carpooling. The prairie is in northwestern Oakland County, on the north side of Indian Springs MetroPark.Maps/directions will be provided. A donation to OLC is suggested.   It is a conjoint outing with South East Michigan Group (SEMG) Sierra Club. Contact Joanne Cantoni, 248-932-5370, field trip coordinaor or Sondra Gunn, 734-994-3975.
  • AUGUST 6, Saturday, Big Valley Prairie.  Michigan Nature Association, Oakland County. Meet 8 a.m., west parking lot Matthaei Botanical Gardens to carpool. Maps provided. Big Valley in northwestern Oakland County, near Golden Prairie, is a prairie fen with elements of tall grass and dry prairie adjacent. Those who missed Golden Prairie will especially appreciate this site.  The prairie flowers should be great now.  The weather is supposed to be great. Aunita Erksine, Leader. Phone (734) 668 6354
  • August 20, Saturday.  Humbug Marsh unit of the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge.Meet at 9 a.m., west parking lot, Matthaei Botanical Gardens to carpool for an end-of-summer look, to explore and identify interesting areas. Its recent purchase by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service saved it from development. In sight of industrial smokestacks, it is one of the last undeveloped areas along the Detroit River. Leader Bruce Jones, Grosse Isle Conservancy and leading force behind the acquisition. Contact: Sondra Gunn, <> or 734-994-3975. You can find more information (including maps) about this remarkable area on the following webasites:

2004-2005 Meetings

  • Monday September 20.  "Nature--What Good Is It? , or, The Ten Best Reasons to Protect Land" by Richard Brewer, a founder, president, and long-time board member of the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy, professor emeritus of Biology at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo and author  of Conservancy: The Land Trust Movement in America. Dr. Brewer will talk on some of the less well understood reasons why natural lands should be protected. Examples are the value of ecosystem services and the low cost to taxpayers of preserved open space compared with development.   Books will be available for purchase with cash or check at  $28.50 (This  is a 10% discount over list and includes sales tax) and signing, from 7:15 to 7:45, and again after the talk and question-and-answer session.   For more information, see: . 
  • Saturday October 9.  Annual Fall Meeting, Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI.
  • Monday October 17.  "Wildflowers of the Endangered Lake Plain Prairie" - Mary LaFrance, Conservation Chair, SE Michigan Group of the Sierra Club.
  • Monday November 15.  “Chocolate” – Patrick Fields, PhD., Lecturer Olivet College, Researcher at Michigan State University, Department of Plant Biology.
  • Monday January 17.  6:15 P.M.  POTLUCK DINNER followed by “Sex in Plants”- Beverly Rathke, Professor Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
  • Monday February 21.  “The Diverse Wildlands of Brazil:  Wetlands, Forests, Mountains, and Waterfalls” - Laura Kumler, Graduate student, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.
  • Monday March 21.  “Land Plant Phylogeny: Insights from Genes and Genomes” - Yin-Long Qiu (YQ), Assistant Professor Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Monday April 18.  "The Mystery of the Rotting Fruit: The Pleistocene Megafauna  and  Plants You Know" -  William Luitje.

General Information about Meetings

  • Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings which are held on the 3rd Monday of the month,  September-April, excepting December.
  • Meetings start at 7:45 pm and are held in the auditorium of Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
  • For field trips, participants meet at Matthaei Botanical Gardens (unless otherwise noted) and carpool.  No preregistration is necessary.  Be prepared for rain or shine or snow, etc.

2004 Summer Field Trips

For visits to Canada, AAA recommends that you request a Canadian proof of insurance card from your car insurance company. Bring you passport OR birth certificate AND a photo ID for border crossing.  U.S. Immigration staff can be sticklers on the return trip.

  • Saturday, June 12.  9:00 am.  Goll Woods State Nature Preserve, Archbold, Ohio.   Map of Goll Woods   Giant old trees in Ohio preserve Old-growth woods reminiscent of the Great Black Swamp with 200-400 year old oak trees; excellent spring wildflowers. Goll Woods is the least disturbed woodland known to remain in extreme northwestern Ohio. Within this 321 acre preserve are some of the largest trees remaining in Ohio.  Meet for this all day field trip at the west parking lot at Matthaei at 9:00 am.  The drive is 1.5 hours.  Return to Matthaei by 4:30 pm. Bring lunch, beverage, sunscreen and insect repellent. Leader: Steve Kobylarz  248-486-1175.
  • Saturday, June 26.  Brighton Recreation Area, Brighton, Michigan. 
  • Meet at the west parking lot at Matthaei at 9:00 am.  Bring lunch, beverage, sunscreen and insect repellent. The five mile trail will take about 2 hourse even, if we do not linger long on plants.  Leader: Sondra Gunn  734-769-7978.
  • July, TBA Walpole Island Prairies, Ontario, Canada 
  • Natural Heritage website   WALPOLE ISLAND INDIAN RESERVE   Walpole Island First Nation  Bring lunch, beverage, sunscreen and insect repellent.  Leader: Melanie Gunn 
  • Saturday August 14.  Ojibway Prairie, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.  All day trip.  Meet at 9:00 am in the west parking lot at Matthaei. 
  • The prairie is 4 miles south of the Ambassador bridge on Matchette Road.  Bring lunch, beverages, sunscreen and insect repellent.  Leaders: Paul DesJardins, 519-971-9562 and Joanne Cantoni 248-932-5370.

2003-2004 Meetings

  • Monday September 15. Taking Conservation to the Next Level.   Helen Taylor, Director of The Nature Conservancy-Michigan Chapter and Andrea Kline, Nature Conservancy Director of Conservation for East Michigan will tell us about current developments in conserving Michigan.
  • Sunday September 28. Annual Fall Meeting, Matthaei Botanical Gardens.
  • Monday October 20.  Tree Diseases: Ash Decline, Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm Disease, & More.   David Roberts, Ph.D., Michigan State University Extension Service.   Over the past 100 years, our native forests have been decimated by a series of pests, starting with the chestnut blight, continuing with the Dutch elm disease and now concluding with the emerald ash borer.   Dr. David Roberts will tell about these interesting problems and some of the things that can/can not be done about them.  Dr. Roberts is the regional authority on these issues.
  • Monday November 17.  The Ecology and Conservation Biology of Rain Forest Trees in Indonesian Borneo.    Gary Paoli, Ph.D.,  University of Michigan, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. Lowland tropical rain forests of Indonesian Borneo are one of the most species rich forest ecosystems on earth.   Gary will discuss some of the most striking natural history of this forest and then discuss how this natural history relates to the current conservation problems.  Not only is the biology interesting, but the politics create some special challenges
  • Monday January 19.  6:15 P.M.  POTLUCK DINNER.  In order to insure a good distribution of items, we suggest the following based on participants last names: A - F   bring main courses; G – O   bring salads; P – Z bring deserts.  Please bring your own table service. The Club will provide beverages. Please call Sarah Nooden at 734-663-5667, if you have any questions or suggestions. Interested persons who are unable to participate in the potluck are certainly welcome to attend the lecture only.  7:45 p.m.  LECTURE SOUTH PACIFIC BOTANY AND CONSERVATION ISSUES.   Larry Noodén, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Cell & Molecular Biology Departments.  At this time of year, many like to think about warm balmy weather and tropical flowers. The tropical Pacific region is certainly renowned for these attractions; however, there is much more of interest when you examine these places more closely.  The talk will feature plant migrations across the great expanses of ocean, human uses of the plants, volcanism and tsunamis and extinctions.  The beauty and uniqueness of the region will come out along the way.
  • Monday February 16.  “The Ecology of Alaska and Prudhoe Bay” Judith Kelly, Biology Department, Henry Ford Community College.  
  • Monday March 15. “How Plants Get Their Names”  Edward Voss, University of Michigan Professor Emeritus of Botany, Biology Department, and Curator Emeritus of Vascular Plants, U M Herbarium.  Plants, animals, auto parts, websites, people -- all require names so that we can communicate with each other, look up information (in catalogs, directories, or dictionaries), record our discoveries, label pictures, etc.  As a basic part of language, names are derived in various ways ("correct" or not).  But different names for the same object may exist within a language, not to mention among languages.  We need rules!  And we have some for plants.   All these aspects of both "common" and "scientific" names will be illustrated with examples (mostly from the local flora).  Would you make coleslaw from skunk-cabbage?  Will the ash borer kill off our mountain-ash?  Who was Joe Pye?
  • Monday April 19.  "Caring for an Urban Arboretum: a Stewardship Plan for Nichols Arboretum"  Robert Grese, Director of Nichols Arboretum and Associate Professor UM School of Natural Resources and Environment.  Bob will discuss the challenges of caring for the gardens and natural areas found in Nichols Arboretum.  He will also review ongoing efforts to rejuvenate historic gardens, rehabilitate the Arb's native ecosystems, address problems of erosion, and future plans.  This is a Joint meeting with Ann Arbor Chapter Wild Ones

2003  Summer Field Trips

  • Saturday August 23.  9:00 am.  Goll Woods, Archbold, Ohio.  Led by Steve Kobylarz

2002 Fall Field Trips

  • Sunday October25, 2002. Horner Woods Work Session. afternoon. Leader: Sylvia Taylor. Meet in the west parking lot at Matthaei and carpool.
  • 2002-2003 Meetings Monday, September 16, 2002. Peter Kaufmann, " The talk will be based on a newly published book, “Creating a Sustainable Future. Living in Harmony With the Earth”, co-authored by Professor Kaufman.
  • Sunday September 29, 2002. Annual Fall Meeting at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, Hastings, MI. Lunch at 11:30 am. State Board Meeting at 12:45. Lecture at 2:30 pm. “El Niño: Master of the Coastal Deserts of South America”, presented by Dr. Michael O. Dillon, Curator of Vascular Plants at the Field Museum, Chicago.Field trip to the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute nature preserve after the lecture.
  • Monday, October 21, 2002. Bev Walters, “Results from Burning in Ann Arbor Parks”
  • Monday, November 18, 2002. Miro Kummel,“Partner Choice in Ectomycorrhizal Mutualism”
  • Monday, January 20, 2003. Sylvia Taylor, “Big Bend, Texas”
  • Monday, February 17, 2003. Chuck Davis, " The Tropical Plant Family, Malpighaceae."
  • Monday, March 17, 2003. Mike Penskar, "Adventures of a Michigan Field Botanist."
  • Monday, April 21, 2003. Gary Hannan, “Iris Pollination, Clonal Growth, Rhizome Structure and Architecture”
  • 2003 Spring Field Trips Saturday, April 26. Wildflower walk at Ann Arbor's Brown Park and the "landfill woods." Led by Bev Walters. Meet at 9:00 am. at Southeast Area Park at the corner of Platt and Ellsworth Roads. (entrance is on Ellsworth Rd.) and carpool from there, since parking is limited at one of the sites.
  • Sunday May 4, 2003 Big tree tour- afternoon bus tour of Big Trees in the vicinity of Ann Arbor. 12:15 pm - 5:00 pm. The attendes will ride on an air-conditioned tour bus with restroom facilities. Meet at the University of Michigan parking lot NC-51, which is on the Northwest corner of Glazier Way and Huron Parkway in Ann Arbor. Registration cost $15.00. Send check made out to Michigan Botanical Club - HVC to Joan Doman, 4091 Thornoaks Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Global ReLeaf of Michigan, a non-profit organization dedicated to "replanting Michigan one tree at a time" and the sponsor of the biennial Big Tree Hunt contest in which Woody Ehrle, one of the judges, is busy at this moment planning the route, obtaining the property owner's permission, determining the number of stops possible within a four-hour time frame and so forth. For more information contact: Joan Doman
  • Saturday May 17. 2:00-4:00 pm. Horner Woods.
  • Saturday, May 31. 9:00-12:00 noon. Spring Flora Hike at the Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center. Waterloo Recreation Area,16345 McClure Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118. The center is located on Bush Road between Pierce and McClure roads in Chelsea. Take I-94 to exit 157 (Pierce Road) and go north to Bush Road. Take Bush Road west to the center.- Leader - Mike Penskar- phone 517-335-458
  • Saturday July 12. 8:00 am. Plant Inventory work day. contact Sondra Gunn at or Melaine Gunn at
  • Sunday July 13. 10:00 am. Cedar Bend Nature Area led by Bev Walters. 1:00 pm. Furstenberg Natural area led by Aunita Erskine.

2001-2002 Meetings

  • Monday, September 17, 2001. Fred Case, " In Search of the American Pitcher-Plant".
  • Sunday September 30, 2001. Annual Fall Meeting at Matthaei. The program will feature Mr. David Dempsey, author of the recently published book "Ruin & Recovery, Michigan's Rise as a Conservation Leader". Following the program Jack Smiley will lead a field trip to nearby LeFurge Woods, owned by the Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy. We will be recognizing the 60th anniversary of the founding of the club, and several special surprises are in store for the day.
  • Monday, October 15, 2001. Russell Butler, "The Relationship between Vegetation and Bird Diversity".
  • Monday, November 19, 2001. Michael Wynne, "Botanical Explorations Above and Below Water on the Northern Arabian Sea".
  • Monday, January 21, 2002. Brian Klatt, "A Regulatory View of Wetlands and Why We Care".
  • Monday, February 18, 2002. Allan Prather, "Pollination in the Mint Family".
  • Monday, March 18, 2002. Larry Nooden, "The Nature of Alaska".
  • Monday, April 15, 2002. Joint meeting with Wild Ones Chapter. Matt Heumann, "Softening Urban Sprawl with Native Plants and Habitats."

2001 Fall Field Trips

  • Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 2:00 pm. Fall Asters, Ann Arbor, MI. Meet at the Furstenberg Nature Area, Ann Arbor, MI. Directions from out of town: From US 23, take the Geddes road exit. Head west towards Ann Arbor. At the light at Huron Parkway, continue straight. The road changes name to Fuller Rd. Go about one-half mile and turn left into the parking lot. Leader: Beverly Walters, 734-677-0281

2000-2001 Meetings

  • Monday, September 18, 2000. "Venezuela's Lost Worlds: Hiking the Tepuis." Tony Reznicek, University of Michigan Herbarium.
  • Monday, October 16, 2000. "Travels in Ghana, West Africa." Elaine Chittenden, Beal Botanic Gardens, Michigan State University.
  • Monday, November 20, 2000. "Costa Rica: A Natural History." Sarah Nooden, Michigan Botanical Club member.
  • Monday, January 15, 2001. "Beyond Preservation: Building Biodiversity into the city." Joan Nassauer, School of Natural Resources, U of M.
  • Monday, February 19, 2001. "Saving Land in Southeast Michigan ." Jack Smiley, President, Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy.
  • Monday, March 19, 2001. Pollination and Flower Evolution: Examples from the Phlox and Mint Families." Alan Prather, Botany & Plant Pathology, MSU.
  • Monday, April 16, 2001. "Oak Savanna Restoration and Monitoring within Oak Openings Preserve Metropark." John Jaeger, Toledo Metroparks. Oak Openings Region Web Site
  • Fall Field Trips 2000 Sunday, September 17, 2000. Asters & Goldenrods of the Ann Arbor Area. Leader, Beverly Walters (734-677-0281). Time & Place will be published in September newsletter.
  • Summer Field Trips 2001 In late April, members will recieve a more detailed iternary for the summer field trips. For field trips, participants meet at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd, Ann Arbor, MI (unless otherwise noted) and carpool. No preregistration is necessary. Be prepared! We go out regardless of rain, shine, snow, mosquitoes, etc.
  • Saturday, May 5, 2001. Dinosaur Hill Nature Center, Oakland Co. MI Leader : Jane Hoyle, SEC, 248-651-3417. Meet at the preserve. From the middle of the city of Rochester, continue on Rochester Road (M-150) north for about two miles to the intersection of Tienken Road. Turn west on Tienken and go two blocks and turn left on Winry. Continue on Winry for two short blocks and turn right on Axford Place. The preserve is at the end of the road.
  • Saturday, May 12, 2001. Fred Case's Garden, Saginaw, MI Contact person: Roger Sutherland, HVC, 734-668-8568. Meet at his house.
  • May 17 - 20, 2001 2nd Annual Oak Openings Blue Week. Toledo, OH. Activities are located at Kitty Todd Preserve except where stated otherwise. Contact Person: Roger Sutherland 734-668-8568. Meet at Kitty Todd.
  • Sunday May 20, 2001. LeFurge Woods, Superior Township, Washtenaw Co., MI Leader: Jack Smiley. Superior Land Conservancy. Meet at the preserve. Contact person: Emily Nietering, SEC, 313-278-9269
  • Sunday, June 3, 2001. Tony & Susan Reznicek's gardens, Ann Arbor, MI Contact person: Joan Doman 734-971-6261. Meet at Matthaei.
  • Saturday, June 9, 2001. Indian Springs Metropark, Oakland Co.,MI Contact person: Kanthleen Thompson 248-435-2070. Meet at the Nature Center in the park.
  • Saturday, August 18, 2001. Petersburg State Game Area, Monroe Co., MI MAP of Petersburg State Game Area Minong Prairie - a prairie restoration project at the game area undertaken by students from Summerfield Middle School. Contact person: Steve Kobylarz 248-486-1175 Leader: Pat Schoen, Monroe County Land Conservancy. Meet at Matthaei ay 9:00 am and carpool. If you wish to meet us at the site, the directions from the Ann Arbor area are as follows: Drive south on US-23 to exit 13, Ida West Road. Turn right (west) and drive 0.3 miles and turn left (south) on Summerfield Road. Go 2 miles and turn right (west) on Lulu Road. Drive 1 mile and park in a small parking lot on the left side of Lulu Road. Please plan to arrive by 10:00 am.

1999-2000 Meetings

  • Monday, September 27th. "The Endless Mushroom Foray" by Taylor Lockwood. This is a joint meeting with the Michigan Mushroom Hunters' Club
  • Saturday October 16th. Annual Fall Meeting at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids. Speaker is Fred Case.
  • Monday, October 18th. "Flora under foot. Plants more often stepped on than studied" by Richard Rabeler, University of Michigan Herbarium.
  • Monday, November 15th. Barbara Madsen. "Michigan Natural Areas Council and its work on Grand Island."
  • Monday, January 17, 2000. Tony Reznicek. "Michigan's Coastal Plain Disjunct Plants."
  • Saturday, January 22, 2000. State Board Meeting, East Lansing, MI.
  • Wednesday, February 2, 2000. HVC Executive Board Meeting, J. Doman's home, 7pm.
  • Monday, February 21, 2000. Beverly Walters. "Sleuthing for Botanical Treasures in Ann Arbor." Joint meeting with the Michigan Chapter of the Wild Ones.
  • Monday, March 20, 2000. Edward Voss. "Bog Trotting in the U.P."
  • Monday, April 16, 2000. Larry Nooden. "The Top End and Red Center of Australia- A Very Different View of Down Under."

1999 Fall Field Trips

  • Saturday October 2nd. Swift Run Prairie. Led by Beverly Walters. Meet at 2:00pm at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd., Ann Arbor.
  • Spring & Summer Field Trips Saturday, May 6, 2000. Herb Conant Memorial Field Trip. Conant Farm, 5671 Napier Rd., Plymouth, MI. Leader, James Conant. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at Matthaei Botanical Gardens.
  • Sunday May 14, 2000. Fred Case's Gardens & Greenhouses in Saginaw, MI. Leader, Fred Case. Meet at 11:45 a.m. at Matthaei.
  • Saturday July 8, 2000. Prairies at Ypsi Bayou and Matthaei. Leader, Judy Kelly (734-453-6790). Meet at 10:00 a.m. at Matthaei.
  • Saturday July 29, 2000. Lake Erie Metropark. Leader, Park Naturalist. Meet at 2:00 p.m. at Lake Erie Metropark Nature Center. This metropark is located in Brownstown Township in Wayne County, MI. Take I-75 South to the Gibraltar Rd. exit. Turn left on Gibraltar Rd. At Jefferson turn right. Watch for entrance sign. There is a $3.00 charge per vehicle to enter park.
  • Saturday, August 5, 2000. Prairies of Waterloo Recreation Area. Leader, Tony Reznicek (734-764-5544 work or 734-998-0692 home). Meet at 9:00 a.m. at Matthaei.
Visit to the Conservatory

Visit to the Conservatory