Saturday 15 July – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Aquatic Flora of Mill Lake
Field Trip Leader: Erick Elgin
Mill Lake is a shallow lake located in the Waterloo State Recreation Area. The lake has a large littoral zone and a watershed that is partially protected, making it an excellent location to observe the wonderful diversity of plants under the water’s surface. We will cover the importance of aquatic plants to lake ecosystems and spend time identifying floating-leaf and submerged aquatic plants. We will be canoeing, kayaking, snorkeling, and wading in the shallows to collect the plant specimens (please bring your own gear). Genre we are likely to find: Potamogeton, Stuckenia, Utricularia, Myriophyllum, Najas, and Chara.
Carpool: Meet at Miller Rd Park-n-Ride at 9:00 a.m. or at Chelsea Park-n-Ride at 9:30 a.m.