McCulley-Bastion Nature Sanctuary MNA Bio-Blitz!
Saturday 6 May - 1-4 p.m.
Field Trip Leader: Rachel Moranto
M-B Sanctuary is primarily southern floodplain forest, known in this part of the state for its species richness. The remaining uplands are mesic southern forest, and dry-mesic southern forest. The sanctuary provides excellent nesting habitat for neo-tropical migratory birds and provides forest interior nesting habitat for a heavily fragmented portion of Michigan. The forested River Raisin corridor has connectivity to support wildlife migration as well.
Walking will be moderately challenging and the soils will be wet in places. There are no trails, so visitors are encouraged to bring a map and compass to find their way safely around the sanctuary.
Carpool: Meet at Chelsea Park-n-Ride I-94 Exit 159 or at Meijer 3145 Ann Arbor Saline Rd. Depart Promptly at 9:00. Use your MapQuest or Google Maps to get to 2600 N Wilmoth Hwy, Adrian, MI 49221.
From M-52, take Sutton Road east for 2 miles. Turn left (south) on N Wilmoth Hwy and drive another 1.2 miles. After crossing the River Raisin, park on the shoulder near the driveway for 2600 N Wilmoth Hwy. The sanctuary is on the west side of the road.
For additional information, contact the MNA office at (866) 223-2231.