Isobel Dickinson Memorial Award (IDMA)

The IDMA is given to what is considered to be the best student generated article for each volume of the Great Lakes Botanist. The student must have either written the article or played a significant role in the experimental design and the field research. The IDMA Committee is now reviewing the student genterated arhticles for GLB Volume 63 (2024). The committee reserves the right to not make the award for any given year and all decisions of the committee are final.

The IDMA Committee consists of:

Brad Slaughter: Chairman

Bev Walters

Scott Warner

Mike Penskar

Isobel Adkins Dickinson (1921-1993) was a founding member of the Red Cedar Chapter of the Michigan Botanical Society.  She served as chapter treasurer from 1973 - 1993, chapter secretary from 1989 - 1993 and Director-at-Large from 1980 - 1993.  She is fondly remembered by all, and the loss of her battle with cancer is deeply felt to this day.  This award has been established in her memory. 


If you would like to make a donation in support of the Isobel Dickinson Memorial Award, please send it to the treasurer of the Michigan Botanical Society.  The Michigan Botanical Society is fully accepted by the I.R.S. as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation.  Donors can claim a full tax deduction for any contribution.

Isobel Dickinson Memorial Award Recipients

Best Student Paper in The Great Lakes Botanist (formerly The Michigan Botanist)

Volume 62 (2023) - Ryne Rutherford

Ryne Rutherford (Susan Fawcett): Vascular Plant Communities and Flora of Seven Lakes Nature Preserve in Michigan’s Eastern Upper Peninsula. 

Volume 61 (2022): Haley R. Weesies, Jonathan D. Walt, Zachary E. Hartwig, and Corolyn R. Koehn

Haley R. Weesies, Jonathan D. Walt, Zachary E. Hartwig, and Corolyn R. Koehn (Garrett E. Crow & David P. Warners): Botanical Assessments of High-Quality Southern Shrub-Carr and Hardwood Swamp Wetlands in the Underdeveloped Lowell Regional Greenspace, Kent County, Michigan.

Volume 60 (2021): Kristal Sanchez & Joshua Stepanek

Kristal Sanchez & Joshua Stepanek (J.P. Kociolek & R. L. Lowe): Benthic Diatom (Bacillariophyta) Flora of Torch Lake, Michigan, an Oligotrophic, Alkaline Ecosystem with Evident Benthic Diatom Production, with a Consideration of Some New and Interesting Species.

2019 – Alan W. Stockdale

Stockdale, A. W., G. E. Crow, and D. P. Warners. (2019). Floristic quality assessments of remnant natural areas in the greater Grand Rapids, Michigan region: evaluating botanical change since the 1890s. The Great Lakes Botanist 58(1-2): 2-31.

2018 – Anna K. M. Bowen

Anna K. M. Bowen and J. Dan Skean, Jr. (2018). Vascular Flora and Plant Community Types of the Ott Biological Preserve, Calhoun County, Michigan.  The Great Lakes Botanist 57(3-4):100-149.

2017 – Emily A. Mydlowski

Emily A. Mydlowski and Michael C. Rotter. (2017]). A Note on Mucilage and Herbivore Damage on Brasenia schreberi in a Northern Michigan Lake. The Great Lakes Botanist 56(1-2): 45-51.

2015 – Robert C. Roos

Roos R. C. and T. A. Aschenbach. (2015). The initial effects of community variables on sand prairie restoration: Species establishment and community responses. The Michigan Botanist 54(3-4): 92-123.

2013 – Christopher Bouma and Emily Huizenga

Bouma, C., E. Huizenga, and D. Warners. (2013 [2015]). Assessing a reconciliation ecology approach to suburban landscaping: Biodiversity on a college campus. The Michigan Botanist 52(3-4): 93-104.

2012 – Kelsey Huisman and Alex Graeff

Huisman, K., A. Graeff, and P. J. Laureto. (2012 [2013]). Hybridization dynamics of invasive cattail (Typhaceae) stands at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute: A molecular analysis. The Michigan Botanist 51(3): 89-99.

2011 – Tyler Bassett

Bassett, T. (2011). Annotated checklist of the flora of the Kalamazoo Nature Center with natural community descriptions. The Michigan Botanist 50(2): 41-104.

2010 – Joshua C. Springer

Springer, J. D. and B. D. Parfitt. (2010 [2011]). A checklist of vascular plants of the Lapeer State Game Area, Lapeer County, Michigan, USA. The Michigan Botanist 49(2): 41-72.

2009 – Yarrow Wolfe

Wolfe, Y. and P. A. Palmiotto. (2009 [2011]). The Ram’s Head Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium arietinum): A primer for wtland preservation in the Carney Fen Wetland Complex, Carney, MI. The Michigan Botanist 48(3): 83-93.

2007 – Pamela F. Smith

Smith, P. F. and D. W. Woodland. (2007). Forest composition study of the Great Lakes coastal forest at Warren Dunes State Park, Berrien County, Michigan. The Michigan Botanist 46(2): 33-62.

2006 – Julia L. Angstmann

Angstmann, J. D., P. E. Rothrock, and T. W. Post. (2006 [2007]). The vascular flora and community structure of Little Calumet Headwaters Nature Preserve, Laporte County, Indiana. The Michigan Botanist 45(3): 153-192.

1999 – Daniel C. Laughlin

Warners, D. P. and D. C. Laughlin. (1999 [2002]). Evidence for a species-level distinction of two co-occurring asters: Aster puniceus L. and Aster firmus Nees. The Michigan Botanist 38(2): 19-31.

1998 – Pamela J. Laureto

Laureto, P. J. (1998 [2001]). Vascular flora and plant community types of Seidman Park, Kent County, Michigan. The Michigan Botanist 37(3): 67-89.