Joan Robb Student Foray Awards
History : The “Sponsor a Student to the MBC Foray” award was first conceived by Red Cedar Chapter in 1998 as a way to encourage student participation in the Society and Spring Foray. The award was originally designed as a chance drawing event where one student could win paid attendance to the foray. Eventually all five MBC chapters participated in the program by sponsoring their own student with a general focus on student qualifications and interests. It was through the generous donations of Joan Robb, who was an active member of the Southeastern Chapter, that the Joan Robb Student Foray Award Fund was established (2003) within the Michigan Botanical Foundation (MBF). Eventually there were three award programs: 1) the Joan Robb Student Foray Fund in MBF, 2) Chapter sponsorships, and 3) MBF General Fund sponsorship. As of 2014, over 100 students have been sponsored to attend the spring forays..
What is the Spring Foray? The Spring Foray generally takes place over the Memorial Day weekend. The location varies from year to year to cover different parts of the Great Lakes region. There are a series of lectures, workshops, and field trips to a variety of habitats (wetlands, savannas, etc) that are led by professional botanists, naturalists, and some very experienced amateurs. Workshops are occasionally offered on photography, plant collecting etc. Outstanding lectures are presented each evening by professional botanist or naturalists who are know for their quality presentations. Details of the venue and schedule of events are listed in the spring issue of the Arisaema newsletter that is mailed to members in April and is posted to the MBC website.
Scholarship Specifics: These Scholarships are aimed at college level students, although other qualified students have been sponsored. The scholarship consists of assistance with registration fees, housing (shared room) and the cost of meals during the Foray. Travel costs to and from the Foray are not included, however help with transportation via car pooling has been arranged with individual members in past events.
How to Apply: Each Chapter provides instructions on how to submit an application. Visit the webpage of a Chapter nearest you.
Students at the 2022 Foray