Winter 2010 Indoor Programs

  • Sunday, February 7, 1:00pm.  Gourmet dinner (aka potluck)
  • Sunday, April 11, 2010 .  2:00pm  "Garlic Mustard and Other Plant Invaders: Understanding and Responding to Plant Invasions" by David Susko. Dr. Susko is an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Michigan Dearborn campus. He is also the new Director of the Environmental Interpretive Center on the campus. His presentation will focus on the biological nature of plant invasions, how they impact biodiversity and ecosystems, and he will discuss potential control methods. He will emphasize and use some local invaders, such as garlic mustard, as case studies.

Spring 2010 Outdoor programs

  • Sunday May 2, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, Belle Isle Spring Wildflowers.   Belle Isle - meet at the bike trail across from the Athletic Shelter. It's spring, and the woods are mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful! Join Suzan Campbell for a wildflower walk in Belle Isle's forest preserve, where thousands of white trout lilies bloom each year. The Michigan Botanical Club and the Friends of Belle Isle are co-sponsoring this event with the Stewardship Network, so we'l l have lots of great (and knowledgeable) company. Don't forget your rubber boots!
  • Monday, May 3, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm - "Weekday Wildflowers” and Garlic Mustard Pull at the Henry Ford Estate and UM-Dearborn Natural Area, 4901 Evergreen Rd. Dearborn.  Meet at the Henry Ford Estate Tour Ticket Office. The Garlic Mustard Pull will be from 9-11 and the wildflower walk from 11-noon. We’ll join the Henry Ford Estate Garden Volunteers and the Stewardship Network in removing invasive Garlic Mustard from the historic grounds of the Henry Ford Estate. Mike Perrin of the Environmental Interpretive Center and Laurel Malvitz of the Stewardship Network will lead the wildflower walk. Wear gloves, long pants and closed-toed shoes. Not tools required. Please register online at  under “Lakeplain Cluster” or call 734-996-3190. For more information go to

We will meet at Heritage Park in Farmington Hills. Heritage Park is located at on the west side of Farmington Road between 10 and 11 Mile Roads.  We will meet at the Vagnozzi Visitors Center. There is plenty of free parking just outside the door. Join us this fall and bring a friend. Refreshments will be provided after each program. Come early or stay late and visit the nature center or hike the paved trails in the park.  See the link below for a map.

Fall 2009 Indoor programs

  • Sunday, October 4, 2:00 pmWILDFLOWERS OF MONTANA  from the BOB MARSHALL WILDERNESS, BY NORMA HENDERSON (with member slide show)SEC member Norma Henderson will share her photos of wildflowers taken on a Sierra Club trip to the Bob Marshall Wilderness of Montana. This Wilderness was established in 1964 and covers over 1,000,000 acres in NW Montana, not far from Glacier National Park. It ranges in elevation from 4,000 to 9,000 feet. After Norma’s program we’ll have time for any member who wishes to show a few slides. These are the old-fashioned slides in a tray that many of us must have stashed in our closets. Why not pull out a few for us to enjoy
  • Sunday November 1, 2:00 pm  SPIDERS IN YOUR GARDEN BY CARYLE SPENCE  Some people think the only good spider is a dead spider. Join us for this program where SEC member Caryle Spence will prove otherwise. She will share her wonderful photographs of spiders, most of them taken right in her backyard, while she explains their natural history. Is it a coincidence that this is the day after Halloween?

Fall 2009 Outdoor programs

  • Sunday, October 25, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm.  FIELD TRIP Belle Isle’s Oak Wetland Forestcosponsored by the Stewardship Network.  The Michigan Natural Features Inventory has recently described a new forest community within the state—wet-mesic flatwoods—that are found primarily on southeastern Michigan’s glacial lakeplain. As this area was settled early in Michigan’s history, few examples remain, although several survive in urban parks. Join leaders Allen Chartier & Suzan Campbell at the Belle Isle Nature Zoo for a walk in Belle Isle’s woods, where you’ll see Shumard oak, shellbark hickory, wahoo, and a few surviving pumpkin ash.