Wood Anatomy and Wood Species Identification
Tom Nehil
November 19, 7:00 pm
Peoples Church, 1758 N.10th St.
Can you identify a tree from a wood sample? In this presentation, wood expert Tom Nehil will help us understand how to use wood anatomy and the cellular characteristics of woody plants as identification tools. He will describe the basics of tree and wood evolution, explore tree growth and function, and interpret the anatomical characters of wood that distinguish varied tree species.
Tom’s presentation will provide an overview of wood identification but also offer participants hands-on practice, using magnifiers and microscopes, in identifying wood samples. Join us to hone your botanical skills and to gain a fascinating perspective on woody plant identification.
Tom Nehil is a structural engineer in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he specializes in evaluation, preservation and adaptive reuse of historic buildings. Tom is a member of the Timber Framers Guild and chairs the Timber Grading Training Committee. He is a regular instructor at Tillers International in Kalamazoo where he teaches wood species identification, timber frame design, and traditional stone masonry. He has made presentations on wood anatomy and wood species identification to the Southwest Michigan Wood Workers Guild, the West Michigan Wood Turners, and the Timber Framers Guild. tnehil@nehilsivak.com