to the Allegan State Game Area with the White Pine Chapter
Led by Bill Martinis and Chip Schaddelee
Saturday, August 25th from 11 AM to 2 PM
Bill and Chip will take us to the Allegan State Game Area on a two mile hike along the Kalamazoo River on an excellent, very scenic, well-beaten but hilly trail. It is all upland -- no mud, marshes, or swamps! Many Oak-Opening plants can be found along the way, including all three of Michigan's Aureolaria species (False Foxglove) -- though not all blooming at once. Along the trail, and sometimes in it, the MI Threatened Hieracium paniculatum should be in full bloom. The hike will not be fast-paced as there are great Kalamazoo River vistas and many plants to stop and see along the way (over 130 species observed from the trail).
Directions: We will meet at the intersection of 130th Ave and Wisper Land just west of M-40 (130th Ave. and Whisper Ln, Hamilton, MI) from there we will caravan to the Kalamazoo River “trailhead”. From Kalamazoo take 131 north to the Plainwell exit and follow M-89 and then M-40 northwest for 24 miles to 130th Ave. Go west a short distance to Whisper Ln. About 45 minutes from Kalamazoo. If you need a ride or want to car-pool please contact Dave Wendling @ dave.wendling47@gmail.com or call 269-366-8857.
William Martinus
- B. A., Art, Education, Natural Sciences, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan; M.S. from Grand Vally State
- Taught in public and private schools for 30 years.
- Michigan Botanical Society: formerly served on Board of Directors
- Conducts Natural Features Inventories: National Parks, local parks and preserves
- Currently working in year three of conducting complete floral inventory with Russ Schipper at the Allegan State Game Are
Leon Schaddelee
- B.A. Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI; M.S. from Michigan State University
- Taught in public and private schools for 30 years.
- 1980-90s: field worker for Michigan Natural Features Inventory -- traveling around state of MI tracking down historical records for rare plant species and inventorying; field worker for The Nature Conservancy -- inventorying preserves and potential preserves
- 1989: field worker for Michigan Natural Features Inventory; plant inventories for Allegan State Game Area
- Master thesis on ASGA: Site Analysis and Interpretive Development of the Allegan Pine Plains Ecosystem
- Conducts Natural Features Inventories: National Parks, local parks and preserves
- Currently inventorying several ASGA biodiversity hotspots